The easiest way to seduce some one is using underlying
persistence with a small tune. Imagine you’re
in the car and you hear a 10 second tune about strawberry ice cream covered in
chocolate orbs. And at the end there is a little quick word play that would stick
in you mind. A lot like puppy monkey baby and mountain dews Kickstart. Although
the puppy monkey baby had nothing to do with mountain dew it was the weirdness
and obscurity of it. A ten second audio add could in comparison do the same
thing. I asked a lot of people what there favorite part of the kickstart
commercial was, most responded with music and then lyrics behind the commercial
as compared to the physical images of the commercial itself. Even though it
featured a SGI puppy monkey baby. If good enough tune and lyrics were put
together we could almost replicate the effect of it. And what I am trying to
get with this is not just simple advertising and growth with a product. We are
trying to introduce staying power. I want somebody to say something like that
little puppy monkey baby slogan and the guy next to him go wow I really could
use a Berry Bomb right now. It is that subliminal messaging that will further
are market. Although it will be a little tough if we were able to get any
amazing instrumental with catchy weird lyrics we could forever be attached to
the consumers brainstem. Every time they heard are little tune there mouths
would a salivate and they would be immediately craving are delicious treat.
Although visual ads are good I do believe there is something different about a
catchy jingle and weird funny lyrics that cause something in the consumer brain
to spark.
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